Mr. Handyman Central MetroWest


Michael Campbell<br />Photo/Nancy Brumback

Michael Campbell
Photo/Nancy Brumback

Contractor provides home improvement and remodeling services

Business name: Mr. Handyman Central MetroWest

Address: 300 Eliot St., Ashland

Owner: Michael Campbell

Contact Information: 508-231-4639

By Nancy Brumback, Contributing Writer

What services does Mr. Handyman provide?

“People expect a handyman to just hang pictures or fix a railing. We can do larger things, including painting, drywall, cabinet installation, even remodeling,” said Michael Campbell, owner of the central Massachusetts and Metrowest franchise for Mr. Handyman.

“We are carpenters and contractors, licensed and insured. Our people are experienced. We do a lot of bigger projects. We’ll let you know when you call whether we can do the work. If not, we can provide referrals in such areas as electrical and plumbing.”


Are you helping people recover from the past winter?

“Right now, we’re inundated with follow-up from winter damage–everything from gutters to decks to rooms damaged from leaks. People are overwhelmed dealing with insurance claims. We can go in, be thorough, and give the insurance companies the details they need, including photographs. Insurance companies brought in adjustors from around the country to handle all the claims. Those adjustors don’t always know the codes here, and the cost of living and of labor are different. They often give people numbers that may not be adequate for the needed repairs. We help negotiate with insurance companies.

“We are doing a lot of prevention work. Ice dams don’t just happen. They are caused by other factors, primarily insulation and ventilation issues. A little preventive maintenance can go a long way. We can check the attic to make sure it’s well-ventilated and correctly insulated. It’s money well spent.”


What kind of damage from this winter should people be looking for?

“Outside, gutters are pretty obvious. If they’re bent or loose, they need to be repaired. We check the drip edge that directs water into the gutter as well. It’s a simple little strip of metal, but if it isn’t set up correctly, water runs behind the gutter, not into it, and that can cause damage,” Campbell said. “Inside, stains and drywall issues are also pretty clear. We can check for moisture and make any necessary repairs. “

“Decks have also been damaged from the ice that toppled off roofs. Look for wood rot. If you see peeling paint or punkiness, poke it. If it’s soft, fix it now. Wood is like a sponge and will just keep absorbing water.”


What projects do you recommend this time of year?

“Think ahead. We can inspect and put gutter guards up now, and you won’t have to clean the gutters in the fall. Treat your deck now so you can enjoy it all summer. It’s easier to do simple maintenance like check and change heating filters when the furnace is not running. ”


What geographic area do you cover?

“Basically, we cover the I-495 belt and the Mass Pike all the way to Wellesley and Weston, about 36 towns. We are one of six Mr. Handyman franchises in Massachusetts.”


Why should someone call you?

“Value and peace of mind. When we had the winter emergencies and the ice dams, we did not raise our rates. People offered incredible fees for us to come out. Unfortunately for some, our manpower was limited so we did have to draw the line and limit services to our existing customers. Our clients appreciated that we didn’t gouge them and that’s one reason I think we’re so busy now.

“We will make mistakes occasionally, but we back up our work. We’re looking for long-term relationships. We can take on almost any type of home improvement, whether it’s a one-hour or one-week job. If it’s not a good fit for us, we can usually refer you to a reputable company that can do it.”





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