By K.B. Sherman, Contributing Writer
Shrewsbury – Attendees at the June 9 meeting of the Shrewsbury Board of Selectmen learned of the progress being made regarding ongoing repairs to Maple Avenue. The past severe winter, which saw an enormous snowfall combined with record low temperatures, took its toll on local roadways. Town Engineer Jeffrey Howland, PE, sitting in for Town Manager Daniel Morgado, briefed those present with the status of the repairs.
Working six days a week, construction crews have been resurfacing the road and upgrading sidewalks for safety and to ensure compliance with the demands of the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA), which mandates that sidewalks and other public ways be wheelchair and walker compliant. The ongoing repair has been an annoyance for locals as the grooving of the pavement and the raising of manhole covers and other service access plates have created an unofficial obstacle course for vehicle drivers and pedestrians alike.
The work is scheduled to be completed by the end of June, weather permitting, and is being performed on a schedule typical for such union construction work, beginning at 7 a.m. daily.
In other business, Selectman James F. Kane moved for the board to sign an amendment to the Waste Disposal and Landfill Operations Agreement with Wheelabrator Millbury, Inc. The board voted 4-0 to do so, with Selectman John I. Lebeaux absent from the meeting.
A number of personnel appointments were made, including Mary Grillo as assistant treasurer-collector for a year; Robert Pine reappointed to the Insurance Advisory Committee for one year; Larry Barbash and Martha Gach to the Open Space and Recreation Committee for one year; Jason Port and Kenneth Polito to the Conservation Commission for three years; and Diane Burns, Juliett Krovi and Alex Jean-Baptiste to the Commission on Disabilities for three years.
Also, a SELCO request that a 70-watt high pressure sodium street light be installed at Victoria Circle and street acceptances and betterments that had been approved by the last Town Meeting were accepted unanimously by the board.