By Ed Karvoski Jr., Contributing Writer

Onstage following the race are (l to r) Jan and Paul Cellucci’s grandchildren Gabriel Westberg, 6, Francesca “Frankie” Adams, 6, and Rhys Adams, 8, with Jan Cellucci and Gov. Charlie Baker.
Hudson – Nearly 1,000 runners and walkers traveled Hudson streets July 25 to support the final campaign of native son Argeo Paul Cellucci, former Massachusetts governor and ambassador to Canada. They participated in the second annual Gov. Cellucci Tribute Road Race, beginning and ending at the Hudson-Concord Elks Lodge 959.
After a diagnosis of amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS), Cellucci launched the UMass ALS Champion Fund in 2011. ALS took his life at age 65 in 2013; his renamed campaign continues as the UMass ALS Cellucci Fund. The race is organized by his widow Jan, their daughters Kate Cellucci and Anne Cellucci Adams, and a planning committee.
New this year, a tent was offered for teams and families affected by ALS for them to connect with each other. Also new, a 1.5-mile route was added for walkers. Runners raced a 5K course.
Brad Klinedinst of Hudson finished first overall in 16:52. Michele Bruce of Hudson was the first-place female in 19:52. Tying for largest team were “Kate’s Crew” and “Band of Bellina’s” with 70 participants each.
Among the speakers were Gov. Charlie Baker, Lt. Gov. Karyn Polito and former Gov. Bill Weld. Chis Yates served as race day director.
Once again, Avidia Bank sponsored 100 students participating on four teams of 25 each representing Assabet Valley Regional Technical, Hudson and Marlborough high schools, and Advanced Mathematics and Science Academy Charter School. Avidia Bank also sponsored its own team of 17.
Race participants passed several landmarks with connections to Cellucci including the property of the recently demolished Hudson Catholic High School building, where he graduated in 1966.
Also on the route was the Town Hall. Cellucci was first elected to public office as a member of the Charter Commission in 1970 and served as a selectman from 1971 to 1977. A memorial parklet is currently being constructed on the Town Hall lawn with a dedication scheduled for Sunday, Sept. 20.
For information about the UMass Cellucci ALS Fund, visit and follow on Facebook at
Photos/Ed Karvoski Jr.

A state police officer escorts the second annual Gov. Cellucci Tribute Road Race from the Hudson-Concord Elks Lodge 959.