Grafton Community Television’s Jim Gallagher interviews Grafton Police Chief Normand A. Crepeau Jr. at the 2013 Grafton National Night Out. (Photo/submitted)
Grafton – Grafton Community Television (GCTV) will bring its cameras to Grafton’s 2015 National Night Out celebration Tuesday, Aug. 4, at the Grafton Police Station, 28 Providence Road, from 5 to 8 p.m.
GCTV Public Access Coordinator Kris McMullin along with Bob DeToma will be taking video footage and coordinate as Jim Gallagher once again will interview town personalities at this community block party event. A new GCTV professional backdrop will be located near the entrance to the old police station building as an area for the on-camera interviews. GCTV plans to produce a program capturing the sights and sounds of what is annually one of the larger outdoor public events in Grafton.
The 2015 National Night Out Review Program will air on GCTV Charter Channel 191/Verizon Channel 34 Friday, Aug. 7 at 2 p.m., Saturday, Aug. 8 at 8:30 p.m., and Sunday, Aug. 9 at 10:30 p.m. The program will also be available at the GCTV VOD link: http://graftontv.org/current/VoD.html.