By K.B. Sherman, Contributing Writer
Grafton – At the Aug. 4 meeting, the Grafton Board of Selectmen dealt with the traffic confusion and congestion along Boulevard Avenue because of the ongoing renovation of One Grafton Common. The roadway is hindered by a construction fence and vehicles on one side of the road and the door at Jordan’s Garage is partially blocked, so the selectmen have decided to make the road temporarily one-way. The avenue will be open from east to west or from North Street to Route 140 for an undetermined period.
The rebuild of One Grafton Common is proceeding well, with the elevator shaft being built and the elevator installed.
Also Aug. 4, the 45 preliminary fall Town Meeting articles were reviewed. Selectman Bruce Spinney noted the “very packed” warrant and spoke of the need to get as many people to attend Town Meeting as possible, especially considering the financial impact on the town.
“It’s tough to spend all that money when only 100 voters come,” he noted.
Selectman Brook Padgett wondered if town voters could be sent flyers encouraging them to come, but no decision was made.