By John Orrell, Contributing Writer
Hudson – No coach at any level likes to use the “r-word” – rebuilding – in describing their team’s season outlook, and Hudson varsity field hockey Head Coach Jen Wallingford is no exception.
But with just one senior and a pair of juniors on her roster and the remainder underclassmen, Wallingford is aware that 2015 will be a challenge for this Hawk team that graduated a dozen seniors last spring. No one is writing this season off – far from it – but the squad will need to unite, learn as they go, and make headway at every opportunity available.
“I do have talent and I’m hoping to see them improve fitness and skills,” said 10-year Head Coach Wallingford, who is assisted by Mary Beth Cashman. “Getting them used to playing together is important. I’m looking for as many opportunities to instruct them skill-wise and game-wise as possible.”
Team captains have yet to be chosen, but clearly the team will look toward lone senior Cassie Moran for leadership. Moran brings experience and talent as do juniors Ava Brunelle and Natalie Crowley-Poirier.
“We have players who lead by example,” Wallingford said. “Girls who might be waiting on the JV team now are the ones to show varsity intensity and it can be a pretty steep learning curve. We’ll come out better and stronger no matter what happens and we’ll pull together and you never know what might happen.”
The sophomore-laden lineup looks to make the most of an abundance of playing opportunities. The list includes Maggie Appel, Shannon Bonner, Jill Bouvier, Buffy Cautela, Kayla Currin, Caitlyn Day, Emily O’Neil, Jackie Rossley and Alyssa Thibeault as well freshmen Megan Leahy, Sophia Togneri and Emily White.
“We need to put as much effort in and practice hard so we can gain some experience that we might not have otherwise,” said Moran. “Making districts will be hard because I know it will be a rebuilding year, but I think if we work hard we can do well. Once we get our communication down, I think we’ll be much more cohesive and work well as a team.”
“We’re all really young but we try to work together and try really hard in practice and we just have to keep that up,” added Currin.
The Hawks open on the road traveling to Shepherd Hill Sept. 9 before returning home for six consecutive home games.
With so many games so early, anything is possible, admitted Currin.
“If we can get off to a good start in the season, that would be a good thing because we’re a young team,” she said. “Some people haven’t played varsity level so if we get off to a good start, that would boost our confidence.”