Fall Town Meeting warrant hearings to air on Grafton Community Television


Grafton – Grafton Community Television (GCTV) will tape for rebroadcast the Finance Committee’s Town Meeting warrant review hearings. The public hearings are held each year at the Grafton Municipal Center prior to the fall Town Meeting, scheduled this year for Monday, Oct. 19. The meeting broadcasts will be available for playback on GCTV’s Video on Demand system, http://graftontv.org/current/VoD.html, and on Grafton’s Government Channel, Charter Channel 192/Verizon Channel 33.

Finance Committee public hearings were scheduled for 7 p.m. at the Grafton Municipal Center Wednesday, Sept. 30, Thursday, Oct. 1, and Monday, Oct. 5. The Finance Committee has had scheduled meeting dates for Wednesday, Oct. 7, and Thursday, Oct. 8.

A printed copy of the Fall Town Meeting warrant articles can be found on the town of Grafton’s website. Visit http://www.grafton-ma.gov/Public_Documents/GraftonMA_WebDocs/deptindex and then click on “Now available: Video on Demand.”

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