Grafton – The Grafton Police Association will once again be participating in “Movember,” as a way to raise money to support Massachusetts Special Olympics by growing beards. Last year’s effort was a resounding success resulting in over $2,600 in donations. This year, the association is hoping that other area police departments will join them in the fun.
For a $100 fee, participants will start growing beards on Sunday, Nov. 1 and continue through Friday, Jan. 1. Beards are limited to goatee style; moustaches are also acceptable.
Those who would like to support efforts to raise money for Massachusetts Special Olympics, may drop a donation in the collections box in the lobby of the police station, 28 Providence Road, any time after Nov. 1. Make your tax-deductible donation via check made out to the Grafton Police Association/Beard Fundraiser. Anyone who makes a donation will be automatically entered to win a holiday gift basket.
Follow participants’ progress online on the Grafton Police Association Facebook page and vote for the “best beard” at the conclusion of the event.