Wellspring United Methodist Church of Shrewsbury welcomes a new pastor


Pastor Kai Chur and his daughter Angela (Photo/submitted)

Pastor Kai Chur and his daughter Angela (Photo/submitted)

Shrewsbury – The Wellspring United Methodist Church of Shrewsbury recently welcomed Kai Chur as its new pastor.

Chur was born in China in the mid-1970s, one year before the end of the Cultural Revolution, when students were supposed to understand the world as an atheist. Christianity was frowned upon. Young Kai Chur was no exception. He had never heard of Christianity until 1990. In 1990, he and his parents survived a fire accident, which resulted in severe burns over 75 percent of his body. After one week struggling with the threat of death, he awoke from a deep coma. It proved to be a life-altering experience when he first encountered God’s healing grace and mercy.

Years later, when he read about Methodist theology as a seminarian, he came to believe that it was God’s prevenient grace leading him, guiding him, strengthening and calling him through. That very grace and mercy has been with him from the beginning and led him into a new chapter of his life, serving the church as well as people in need through ministry.

Chur is also a runner. On Oct. 13, 2012, he went to Hartford to run his first marathon for his church. He didn’t feel lonely though he ran alone, because he felt that he ran with his faith community. All prayers of the church family and friends pushed him forward to the finish line.

He and his wife live in Natick and have two children, Angela and Ethan. Wellspring UMC meets every Sunday morning at 9:45 a.m. at 440 Main St., Shrewsbury. Visit http://www.wellspringumc.net/, on Facebook, or call 508-842-4665.


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