(l to r) Francis X. Hurley, president of the Boys & Girls Clubs of MetroWest; Keith Dwinells, Hudson branch manager of Avidia Bank; and members of the club
Region – The Avidia Charitable Foundation recently donated $10,000 to the Boys & Girls Clubs of MetroWest. This donation will be used for afterschool programs.
A special note from Francis Hurley, president of the Boys & Girls Clubs of MetroWest stated: “We really appreciate the consistent commitment the Avidia Foundation has made to our kids and our afterschool programming. I want to thank all of the Avidia employees and the foundation for their great partnership with our club.”
Avidia Bank is a $1.2 billion mutual community bank, headquartered in Hudson, with branches in Hudson, Westborough, Clinton, Leominster, Marlborough, Northborough and Shrewsbury.