Prana Recovery Centers achieves nonprofit status


Marlborough – Prana Recovery Centers (PRC), recently approved as a nonprofit organization, is dedicated to working with people who struggle with substance abuse.

PRC serves about 25 towns in the MetroWest area, providing a revolutionary relapse prevention program that integrates contemporary science with traditional wisdom. Services are framed within the context of the three Rs – rewiring, resiliency and recovery. The Six Pillars of Wellness form the foundation of the PRC relapse prevention program and are structured to provide program participants with concrete skills that broaden and build skillfulness for happily living clean and sober. Participants will have developed habits of mind and practice in mindfulness, yoga, exercise, 12 steps of Alcoholics Anonymous, nutrition, and the science of happiness.

Where appropriate, the family of the alcoholic and addict will be invited to participate in “The
Family Matters” activities that focus on bringing healing and skillfulness for wellbeing to affected family members.

For more information go to

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