Northborough – A workshop on infection control in the home and Lyme disease, sponsored by Century Health Systems of Natick, will be held Thursday, March 10, at 1 p.m. at the Northborough Senior Center, 119 Bearfoot Road.
In this interactive workshop, run by Jean Sniffin, RN, community health nurse with Natick Visiting Nurse Association and Century Health Systems, attendees will learn about how to prevent and minimize infections to keep themselves and their families healthy and safe. Sniffin will cover vaccines, infection control mechanisms, the dirtiest things in the house, food safety; and infection control when there’s a sick person in the house.
The second segment of the workshop will address Lyme disease, which accounts for “95 percent of all cases of reported tick-borne disease,” according to the Massachusetts Executive Office of Health and Human Services, and can result in fatigue, fever, joint and muscle pain and more. Sniffin will address prevention; how to remove a tick; symptoms; and treatment.
The event is free to attend, but reservations are required. To RSVP, call 508-393-8353.