Runners begin last year’s run for pancreatic cancer research organized by the Westborough Swim & Tennis Club. (Photo/submittted)
Westborough – The Westborough Tennis & Swim Club will be hosting the seventh annual 5k/10k Walk/Run Sunday, April 10, to benefit the Lustgarten Foundation for Pancreatic Cancer Research. Registration will begin at 8 a.m., with a kids’ fun run for ages 8 and under at 9 a.m., the 5k/10k at 9:30 a.m., and a kids’ one-mile run for ages 8-12 at 10:30 a.m. The 5k is walker- and stroller-friendly but the 10k is for runners only. Kids are welcome to join the free Kids Fun Run or join a craft table set up by the Westborough Tennis & Swim Club.
This event brings a community together to support loved ones who are currently battling pancreatic cancer, to honor loved ones who have been taken and to admire loved ones who have survived. Each year there are many individuals who share stories of pancreatic cancer and how it has affected their lives. Since its inception, this event has and will continue to increase awareness and has raised more than $400,000.
The Westborough Tennis & Swim Club, as volunteers with a dedication to finding a cure for this disease, is so grateful for past and present support of local businesses, volunteers and participants. Their hope with this event is to continue to generate much needed research funds, heighten public awareness of diagnosis, treatment and prevention and one day find a cure.
With each year, this event continues to grow and volunteers and needed and appreciated. Anyone who can dedicate any amount of time to help with this event is welcome.
To participate, volunteer, or support, visit www.lustgarten.org or www.2016westboroughwalkrun.kintera.org. Any questions, email [email protected].