By Sue Wambolt, Contributing Writer

Fresh Start Furniture Bank in Hudson provides recycled furniture for families in need. (Photo/submitted)
Hudson – Fresh Start Furniture Bank (FSFB) was founded in 2013 under the name Touchstone Furniture Depot. In 2015, the name was changed to better reflect the organizations’ mission to help restore hope, dignity and stability by recycling donated furniture and housewares for low to moderate income individuals and families free of charge.
In 2015 FSFB distributed 4,115 pieces of furniture and housewares to needy families – including women and children escaping domestic abuse situations, people coming out of shelters or halfway houses, veterans, immigrants, people recovering from physical and mental illness, and victims of fires. Clients are referred to FSFB through social service agencies and may only receive a single referral. This year, FSFB expects to distribute an estimated 6,700 items which could potentially furnish the households of over 360 families.
For Alexis Dascoli, board member and graphic designer who created the organization’s logo, working with FSFB has been extremely rewarding.
“It makes me happy to help individuals and families in need and it fills my heart to know that there are still kind, caring and loving people like Geoff Shultz (president), Sue Waudby (vice president) and the rest of the FSFB team that take the time out of their own lives to volunteer and run such an amazing nonprofit business,” she said.
FSFB is staffed solely by volunteers and dependant upon the generosity of the community for goods, time and financial support. The charity currently maintains 66 volunteers and is in desperate need of transport help, both in the store and on the truck. Other volunteer opportunities include sorters (sorting and packaging donated linens and home goods), in-store furniture movers and in-store assistants.
FSFB is located 34 Tower St., Unit E, in Hudson. Donation drop-off hours are Tuesdays from 10 a.m. to 12 p.m. and Saturdays from 9 a.m. to12 p.m. For a list of acceptable donation items visit the FSFB website If donors are unable to deliver items, pick-up can be arranged by calling 508-485-2080 and scheduling an appointment. All donations are tax-deductible.
For more information, visit or the FSFB Facebook page at