Towns to hold annual elections


Region – Several local communities will be holding Annual Town Elections this May.

Three towns – Hudson, Northborough and Southborough – will be holding elections Monday, May 9.

In Hudson, two candidates, Fred P. Lucy II and James D. Quinn are both running for re-election for the two available seats on the Board of Selectmen.

In Northborough, Leslie Rutan is running for re-election for the Board of Selectmen.

In Southborough, two candidates, Bonnie Phaneuf and John F. Rooney, III, are running for re-election for the two available seats on the Board of Selectmen. Three candidates are running for moderator – Desiree Aselbekian, William J. Boland and Stephen A. Morreale. The position is currently held by David Coombs.

Grafton will be holding its election Tuesday, May 17. Three candidates are running for the two open spots on the Board of Selectmen – incumbent Craig Dauphinais, Sargon Hanna and Edward Prisby.

Residents will also vote on three ballot questions requesting exemptions from Proposition 2-1/2 to pay for bonds related to the proposed new Public Works facility; a few fire tanker truck; and a new all-wheel drive pumper truck.

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