By Ed Karvoski Jr., Contributing Writer

A good sized crowd hoisted umbrellas and donned rain gear to watch the Memorial Day ceremonies in Shrewsbury.
Photo/Joyce DeWallace
Shrewsbury – Despite a rainy morning May 30, Shrewsbury residents and visitors remembered fallen veterans with the town’s annual Memorial Day parade.
Selectmen Board Chair Maurice DePalo welcomed parade participants and spectators at the Soldier’s Statue. Participating in the parade were representatives of local and visiting veterans’ groups, Shrewsbury police and fire departments, elected officials and Scout troops.
State Rep. Hannah Kane, R-Shrewsbury, presented a citation to retired Senior Chief Petty Officer Christopher Knight, who grew up in Westborough and has lived in Shrewsbury for 12 years. After serving over 22 years in the U.S. Navy, he’s now a firefighter, inspector and EMT for the Westborough Fire Department.
Later, Knight delivered the memorial address at the Everlasting Memorial. There, Lt. Gov. Karyn Polito also offered remarks. John Travers of Ray Stone American Legion Post 238 served as master of ceremonies.
The parade continued to Mountain View Cemetery, where a service was conducted in the veterans’ lot.

Art Dobson, U.S. Marine Corps veteran in the Korean War, rides in an antique military jeep.
Photo/Ed Karvoski Jr.

State Rep Hannah Kane presents a citation to retired Senior Chief Petty Officer Christopher Knight.
Photo/Ed Karvoski Jr.

Representatives of the 405th Combat Support Hospital in Worcester visit Shrewsbury.
Photo/Ed Karvoski Jr.

The Rice brothers – Blake, 7, and Patrick, 4, wave flags while watching the parade.
Photo/Ed Karvoski Jr.

Benjamin George, a sophomore at Shrewsbury High School and a member of the Speech and Debate team, prepares to read General Logan’s Orders at the Mountain View Cemetery. Logan was Commander in Chief during the Civil War and gave the speech to honor soldiers in Washington, D.C. in May of 1868. Maggie Clark, also a sophomore at Shrewsbury High School and a member of the Speech and Debate team, was selected to read the Gettysbury Address during the ceremony.
Photo/Joyce DeWallace

Noah Garvin, a student at Sherwood Middle School, his mom Christine, and sister Grace, who attends Paton School, are all patriotically garbed in red, white and blue as they try to stay dry under their umbrellas at the annual Memorial Day parade and speeches
Photo/Joyce DeWallace

Officers of the Shrewsbury Police Department stand at attention during the Shrewsbury Memorial Day Services.
Photo/Joyce DeWallace