By Joan F. Simoneau, Community Reporter
Marlborough – “Live for the little things and we will have a life of joy,” Jennie O’Leary, valedictorian of the Marlborough High School graduating class of 2016, emphasized to classmates, family and friends at commencement exercises held June 12 at the John C. Colleary field house.
Quoting Frank A. Clark, she added: “Everyone is trying to accomplish something big but not realizing that life is made up of little things.
“We do not have to live for the unattainable, overwhelming aim of the perfect life, but for millions of little moments in which we can simply do what is good,” O’Leary continued. “Every day we encounter thousands of silent heroes who may not be changing the world, but are changing individual lives. The little things they do each day may not seem a big deal in comparison to the deeds of the well known, but to the recipients of these acts of kindness and compassion, those little acts are life-changing.”
Nicole Wynne, class salutatorian, generously thanked many for the success of her high
school education.
“This year I realized that even though achieving my academic goals is extremely gratifying, nothing compares to surrounding myself with people who care about me and want to see me succeed,” she said. “Although some individual successes occur in life, sharing your success with others can be all the more rewarding. So I want to share this success in completing high school with you, the class of 2016, all of the faculty, Mrs. Parker, our class advisor, and everyone else who has been with us along the way.”
Following the processional of senior class members were junior class marshals Kayla Ucciferri, Olivia Tobin, Julia Brooks and Mai Vuong. Wynne led the Pledge of Allegiance followed by the National Anthem presented by the a cappella choir. Fatima Awada, class treasurer, announced the class gift – a Marlborough High School sign to be placed on the building. Mayor Arthur Vigeant, chair of the Marlborough School Committee, and School Superintendent Richard Langlois presented diplomas and awards to the graduates.