Grafton Community Television’s Government Channel expands programming


A meeting of the Charter Review Committee to air on Grafton Community Television’s Government Channel. (Photo/submitted)

A meeting of the Charter Review Committee to air on Grafton Community Television’s Government Channel. (Photo/submitted)

Grafton – Grafton Community Television (GCTV) continues to expand programming on its Government Channel.

The most recent addition are meetings of the town’s Charter Review Committee. Grafton is governed by a Home Rule Charter and under its provisions: “At least once in every 10 years, in each year ending in a six, a special committee shall be appointed by the town moderator for the purpose of reviewing this charter and to make a report, with recommendations, to the town meeting concerning any proposed amendments which said committee may determine to be necessary or desirable.”

The members of the Charter Review Committee, appointed by Town Moderator Ray Mead, are Richard McCarthy, Don Clark, Bob DeToma, Tim Mcinerney, Darryl Rynning, Mark Haddad and Dennis Perron.

The meetings are taped by GCTV access assistants Bill Robidoux and Richard Schultze, and are shown on GCTV’s Government Channel – Charter Channel 192/Verizon Channel 33 at the following times: Wednesday at 3:30 p.m., Thursday at 12 p.m., Friday at 2:30 p.m., Saturday at 8 p.m. and Sunday at 1 p.m.

The committee meetings can also be replayed on the GCTV Video on Demand Link at under the heading “What’s New.”

Schedules for programs on the Grafton Community Television’s Government Channel can be found on the GCTV website Cataloged programs of previous Grafton government meetings can be found at the VOD link:

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