Stow: Fresh Baked Apple Pies at FPC Sept. 10 – Oct. 1


Kate Imhoff and Judith Holmes holding “Apple Pies Ahead” sign. Photo/Submitted

Kate Imhoff and Judith Holmes holding “Apple Pies Ahead” sign. Photo/Submitted

Stow –  Apple pies are back! It’s time again for First Parish Church of Stow & Acton (FPC) to sell its apple pies on Saturdays and Sundays, from Saturday, Sept. 10, through the date of the FPC Harvest Fair, Saturday, Oct. 1. The apple pie stand is located at the front of the church grounds, at 353 Great Road, Stow, at the intersection of routes 117 and 62. Sales will begin at 10 a.m. and will close when the day’s pies are sold.

For more information, call the church at 978-897-8149 or visit Apples for the pies have been generously donated by Shelburne Farm of Stow.

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