Letter to the editor: Not allowing film maker to shoot in Westborough is ‘parochial’


To the Editor:

As a 27- year resident of the town of Westborough I have to say that I found the response by the police chief and several of the selectmen to a film maker who wanted to shoot a movie scene in the downtown, embarrassingly parochial.  The remarks of a few officials reduced the appearance of a thriving, sophisticated, well-educated, multi-cultural and forward thinking municipality, chosen #14 in Money Magazine’s Best Places to Live in the Country for 2016, into that of a podunk backwater.  I don’t blame the filmmaker for going elsewhere.  Perhaps the elected political leadership in Marlborough looks upon it as a fun cultural experience for their residents that furthers the diversity of arts and celebrates the attractive nature of their town, rather than fearing it as something that might sully its reputation.

Luanne Crosby

Christopher Noonan


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