Music Director Stan Hanson (seated) and the Rev. Joseph Graumann Jr. discuss music selections for the Sept. 18 installation service at St. Stephen Lutheran Church. (Photo/submitted)
Marlborough – St. Stephen Lutheran Church will welcome its new pastor Joseph Graumann Jr. Sunday, Sept. 18, at 5:30 p.m. with a celebration reception to follow.
During the installation service, the pastor and the congregation promise to pray for each other and to care for each other, and the pastor’s service formally begins. A representative from the local conference of Lutheran churches, on behalf of the Bishop of the New England Synod of the ELCA (Evangelical Lutheran Church in America), will be in attendance to acknowledge the beginning of Graumann’s call and to certify it. The presider Sept. 18 will be The Rev. Susan Nachtigal, dean of the Worcester Conference, New England Synod of the ELCA.
Preacher for the installation service will be the Rev. Christine Kirchner, pastor at Mountain Grove Lutheran Parish, Bloomsburg, Penn. The service will also include special music, including offerings from both the handbell and voice choirs, led by music director Stanley Hanson of Hudson.
St. Stephen is located at 537 Bolton St., Marlborough. For more information, visit SaintStephenLutheran.com or the church’s Facebook page (St. Stephen Lutheran Church).