Avidia donates $2,500 to Straight Ahead Ministries


(l to r) Kim Perkins, Westborough branch manager of Avidia Bank; Danielle Gaudette, Westborough assistant branch manager of Avidia Bank; Sue Laperle, Westborough branch manager of Avidia Bank; Scott Larson, president of Straight Ahead Ministries; and Mark O’Connell, president and CEO of Avidia Bank. Photo/submitted
(l to r) Kim Perkins, Westborough branch manager of Avidia Bank; Danielle Gaudette, Westborough assistant branch manager of Avidia Bank; Sue Laperle, Westborough branch manager of Avidia Bank; Scott Larson, president of Straight Ahead Ministries; and Mark O’Connell, president and CEO of Avidia Bank. Photo/submitted

Region – The Avidia Charitable Foundation recently donated $2,500 to Straight Ahead Ministries of Worcester. This donation is for a Worcester Youth Re-entry Project. Avidia Bank is a $1.2 billion mutual community bank, headquartered in Hudson, with branches in Hudson, Westborough, Clinton, Leominster, Marlborough, Northborough and Shrewsbury.

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