By Ed Karvoski Jr., Contributing Writer

Lauren Tracy and her son Bradley Jean-Baptiste pet a pygmy goat as the Records and Burpee Children’s Zoo visits the Hudson branch of the Marlborough Savings Bank parking lot. Photos/Ed Karvoski Jr.
Hudson – Over 30 businesses and nonprofit organizations extended season’s greetings Dec. 3 at the 14th annual Hudson Downtown Holiday Stroll. Some new businesses joined established mainstays to geographically expand this year’s celebration.
Open houses were hosted by many stores including Hudson Art & Framing, located in the historic Odd Fellows Building. Others offered family-friendly activities such as cookie decorating at Wright Jewelry, a downtown business since 1928. This year, strollers visited several new event participants including I Sculpt U for hot chocolate and a raffle, Marlborough Savings Bank with a live petting zoo and pony rides, Paisley Boutique for holiday refreshments, and Rite Aid with candy and pastries.
Stroll guests travelled on South Street via horse-drawn hayrides departing from Robinsons Hardware, established in 1874 and at its current location since 1974. Before boarding the hayride, guests roasted marshmallows courtesy of the Hudson Rotary Club.
The Hudson Historical Society displayed mementos commemorating its 100th anniversary and the town’s sesquicentennial. A gratitude list was shared by the community organization Create Honesty.
Live entertainment at the Town Hall began with Camerata, an a cappella group of the Hudson High School Chamber Chorus. Also featured were the River’s Edge Chorale and the Carolers. Metrowest Ballet performed “A Nutcracker Tea.”
Families strolled to the Hudson Senior Center where children met Santa Claus by the fireplace. Santa also led a tree lighting ceremony in front of the Town Hall. The lighting was provided by Dave’s Landscape with the tree donated by Glenn Davis Architects.
Presented by the Hudson Business Association, this year’s major event sponsors were Hudson Appliance and TD Bank, with support from local businesses. Serendipity owner Lori Burton served as event chair.

Members of the River’s Edge Chorale, under the direction of Lisa Schliker, perform classic carols at the Hudson Town Hall.