By Melanie Petrucci, Contributing Writer
Westborough- At its Jan. 24 meeting, the Westborough Board of Selectmen (BOS) led a review of the warrant for the upcoming Annual Town Meeting (ATM) which will be held on Saturday, March 18.
Town Manager Jim Malloy requested that an additional article pertaining to the sale of the Spurr House on Parkman Street be included. He asked that the article to be included in regards to the town selling a small sliver of land to Robert and Tania Pano. The Panos live adjacent to the Spurr House; for the last 40-plus years their fence, unbeknownst to them or the town, is on Spurr House property. It was not until a survey was done last fall that this was discovered. Malloy assured the board that this small parcel will not negatively impact the sale of the property. The board was in agreement and the article will be drafted for inclusion on the warrant.
Article 8 involves the Capital Improvement Plan including capital stabilization and expenditures such as a side mower and installation of a sewer grinder and replacement of fire hydrants. Also included are portable radio replacements for the police and fire departments, a fire department four wheel drive vehicle and replacement of a 1996 Rescue Truck.
Articles 9 through 16 include the purchase of software for the Senior Center, the installation of solar powered sidewalk lights on Smith Valve Parkway, purchase of rapid flash beacon crosswalk safety signs (locations still to be determined,) downtown street lighting, recreation parking construction, water projects, and drainage maintenance of the bricks at the Senior Center.
Article 17 will authorize the BOS to accept and appropriate funds for the Fisher Street Bridge over the Assabet River.
Article 18 authorizes additional debt issuance for the renovation of the Forbes Municipal Building.
Articles 19 through 22 are all school related. School Department representatives will be at the Tuesday, Feb. 14 BOS meeting to discuss these articles.
Articles 23 through 26 are sewer and water related projects and the Nourse Street Cemetery Construction.
Article 27 will increase the reduction that senior citizens are allowed to work off a portion of their property taxes.
Articles 32 and 33 will amend the General Bylaws and Zoning Bylaws prohibiting cultivation and sale of non-medically prescribed marijuana.
A full draft of the warrant will be available on the town’s
The ATM will be held starting Saturday, March 18 at 1 p.m. in the Westborough High School Auditorium, 90 E. Main St.