Assabet baseball coaches Alex Moore, John Silk and Ross Abdelnour hand over used Aztec baseball gear to Missouri coach Paul Dudley, who will take the equipment to young athletes in Cuba as part of his Eternal Pastime program. (Photo/submitted)
Region – While attending this year’s Massachusetts Baseball Coaches Association Clinic in Westborough, Assabet Valley Regional Technical High School’s varsity baseball coach John Silk and his assistant coaches Alex Moore and Ross Abdelnour took action to donate old baseball equipment to those in need. After hearing Dr. Jeff Brown from Harvard Medical and Coach Paul Dudley from Missouri speak about Eternal Pastime, a program they run in order to promote baseball to third world countries by donating equipment and uniforms, the coaches were immediately interested in doing what they could to help. Assabet’s Athletic Director Terry Riley agreed to let the coaches have all school’s old uniforms and bats. They will be delivered to Cuba in a few weeks.