In support of Hollenback for selectman


To the Editor:


I support Missy Hollenback’s candidacy for Board of Selectmen in Shrewsbury with absolute confidence. During the past 15 years, I have worked with her directly in a variety of volunteer-based organizations. Missy is a hands-on leader who creatively tackles obstacles to get results.

Missy is a trailblazer; her efforts have added to the quality of life in our community, such as bringing Shrewsbury Recycles and the Shrewsbury Farmers Market to life. She is a divergent thinker and comes up with innovative strategies to solve problems while developing concrete ways to turn those ideas into realities. Missy thoughtfully shares her opinions in the spirit of cooperation. She will be a unique voice on the Board of Selectmen as our community faces financial challenges while the town continues to grow.

Missy’s supporters are inspired by her grassroots approach to local politics. She knows that decisions made by the Board of Selectmen impact our daily lives in Shrewsbury and believes that change begins at the local level. Missy comes from a place of in-depth knowledge about the issues which affect our community and offers thoughtful solutions.

Missy is a woman who can stand on her own; her qualifications are proven through actions and accomplishments rather than by political connections. Please join me in voting for Missy Hollenback on Tuesday, May 2, to fill one of two open seats on the Board of Selectmen in Shrewsbury.


Suzanne Remington


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