Northborough – Northborough Fire Department Captain Robert Theve was once again honored for providing an opportunity for individuals with special needs to be active participants in the community.
Theve was instrumental in hiring Bryce Grenier, 22, a Northborough resident with cognitive impairments, to volunteer at the Fire Department one day a week to do light custodial work.
On May 12, Theve was honored at the Department of Developmental Services’ Central Region Citizen’s Advisory Board Annual Legislative Breakfast at Clark University.
Celebrating “A Lifetime of Support,” awards were given to eight individuals with 12 Honorable Mentions. The awards honor individuals who have made strides in advocacy and self-determination, and those who supported people with special needs through their journey, such as employees, program coordinators, provider agencies and others.
Theve was presented his award by State Senator Harriet Chandler (D-Worcester) for his role in supporting Bryce on the job and in the community.
Bryce was presented a 2017 Lifetime of Support Award by State Representative Hannah Kane (R-Shrewsbury) on behalf of the Mass. House of Representatives for his hard work, dedication and positive attitude while volunteering at the Northborough Fire Department. He was also given an award by State Senator Michael Moore (D-Millbury) on behalf of the State Senate.