Shrewsbury –This year’s Spirit of Shrewsbury Fall Festival, the 21st in its history, will culminate with a number of events the weekend of Saturday, Sept. 23, and Sunday, Sept. 24.
Here are details on a few of the events taking place. Check next week’s issue of the Community Advocate for details on other events including the Town Expo Craft Fair, parade and more.
Thursday, Sept. 21
Let Your Spirit Serve
This community fundraiser will be held to support Veterans Inc. and their new evidence-based Clinical Stabilization Services program in Shrewsbury, serving male and female veterans with outpatient and inpatient substance abuse recovery services and addiction treatment.
The event will be held at Ski Ward, 1000 Main St., from 7-10 p.m. and will feature DJ Fire Chief Jim Vuona, cash bar, and refreshments by Struck Catering. The cost is $50 per person and $75 per couple. Tickets are required in advance.
Visit for more information or contact Beth Casavant at [email protected] or Hannah Kane at [email protected] for tickets or sponsorship opportunities.
Friday, Sept. 22
Big Joe the Storyteller
A one-time school teacher, Big Joe will share a collection of original stories and tales from around the world, as well as various props, puppets and other surprises and laughter.
This free event is appropriate for children school-age and older. It will be held in the Shrewsbury Public Library, 609 Main St., at 7 p.m.
Saturday, Sept. 23
All for Kids: Pancake breakfast and fishing derby
Come to the pancake breakfast and then stay for the fishing derby. Children 15 and under must be accompanied by an adult. Both events will be held at the Shrewsbury Sportsmen’s Club, 304 Boylston St. (Rt.140 North), with the breakfast held from 7-8 a.m. followed by the fishing derby from 8-10 a.m. For more information call Chris at 508-326-2847.
Free vision and hearing screening, plus more
This event is open to Shrewsbury adults, caregivers and potential caregivers. The free vision screening will include vision check, eye pressures and retinal picture. The free hearing screening will include an audiogram. Other screenings available will include blood pressure check, pulse, weight, BMI, oxygen levels, and blood sugar (if you are fasting).
This event will be held in the “Visionmobile” and inside the Shrewsbury Senior Center, 98 Maple Ave. There will also be vendors and refreshments.
Call the Senior Center at 508-841-8640 to make an appointment.
From 9 a.m. to noon, Dr. Harvey Clermont and the Shrewsbury Lions Club will host an educational seminar on “Senior Driving.” The emphasis will be on the major causes for cessation of a license.
21st annual 5K Road Race and Fun Walk
This event, sponsored by Knights of Columbus, Adelphi Council #4181, will be held at 10 a.m. rain or shine, at Dean Park, 805 Main St. Registration begins at 9:15 a.m. under the pavilion.
Register online at Entrance fee is $20 online or $25 day of race. Pre-registration closes Friday, Sept. 22, at 4 p.m. T-shirts will be provided for the first 150 entrants.
For more information on all of the Spirit of Shrewsbury events, visit