Shrewsbury – The Shrewsbury Lions Club is sponsoring a free vision and hearing screening Saturday, Sept. 23, from 9 a.m. to 12 p.m. at the Shrewsbury Senior Center, 98 Maple Ave. Optometrists from Reliant Medical and Mass. College of Pharmacy and Health Services will be performing screenings. In addition, Walmart of West Boylston will be on site providing flu immunizations Children and adults of all ages are welcome.
Guest Speakers will be at the Senior Center from 12 to 1:30 p.m., to include Harvey G. Clermont MD, optometrist Jeffrey Underkoffler, Karen McKenzie (balance and mobility expert) and Brenda Rojas (memory specialist). Refreshments will be served. Caretakers welcome.
Contact the Senior Center at 508-841-8640 for an appointment for the vision screening or flu immunizations. Drop-ins are welcome if time allows.