Westborough Town Meeting approves expedited permitting and new Finance Department


By Melanie Petrucci, Contributing Writer

Westborough – Town Meeting re-convened Tuesday, Oct. 17, for its second and final evening of business. Proceedings began with Article 9. Town Planner Jim Robbins explained that this will enable Westborough to enter into an arrangement with the state in which Westborough will grant permits for construction, relevant to the Westborough State Hospital development site, within 180 days of a complete application. The article passed 77 to 17.

The former hospital property is under agreement with Pulte Homes and this article will provide the town with an additional 2.5 percent of the net sale price in proceeds as part of the disposition formula. This amounts to an extra $172,000. Pulte has already provided the town with a development plan.

Related to the Westborough State Hospital redevelopment project, Article 13 would amend the Zoning Bylaws by modifying the 20 percent affordable housing requirement in the Senior Living Overlay to 10 to 20 percent.

Mark Silverberg, chair of the Planning Board, made a motion that Article 13 be referred back to the Planning Board for further study and that the Planning Board return to a future Town Meeting with a recommendation for the voters. Town Meeting voted 110 to 4 in favor of Silverberg’s motion.

Selectman Ian Johnson spoke on behalf of the board who was in agreement and suggested they call a Special Town Meeting within the next few weeks for this specific issue. The Advisory Finance Committee shared their support.

Article 15 sought to create a Finance Department by modifying the town accountant’s title to finance director. He will be charged with coordinating the activities of the Treasurer/Collector, Assessing and Accounting departments. The primary reason for this change is to address the needs of a municipality the size of Westborough. This Article passed 106 to 8 without discussion.

Article 16 sought funding for the new finance director’s position. This will be accomplished by the transfer of $9,776 from the Treasurer/Collector Salary/Wages Account to Finance Director Salary/Wage Account. Again, without discussion, this passed 103 to 7.

Town Meeting concluded deliberations and adjourned later in the evening. For full Town Meeting results, visit www.town.westborough.ma.us/town-meetings.

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