By Dakota Antelman, Contributing Writer
Westborough – Several dozen people followed a caravan of buses and military vehicles past Westborough’s war memorials in a series of ceremonies honoring veterans Nov 11.
Starting and ending at the VFW Post 9013, the ceremonies began shortly after 9 a.m. and drew appearances from State Senator James Eldridge (D-Acton) and State Representative Hannah Kane (R-Shrewsbury), who both spoke at the town’s Minuteman Park. State representatives Carolyn Dykema (D-Holliston) and Danielle Gregoire (D-Marlborough) also spoke later during a ceremony at the Pine Grove Cemetery.
Grand Marshall Earl Hutt spoke during a ceremony outside of the Forbes Municipal Building. That ceremony also featured an appearance by the acapella group Don’t Panic.
Finally, ceremonies at each of the four stops included performances of “Taps” by musicians from Westborough High School, and volleys of rifle fire from the VFW Post 9013 Honor Guard.
(Photos/Dakota Antelman)

Master of Ceremonies Brent French speaks while Grand Marshall Earl Hutt looks on with his wife Connie Krull.

Veterans march toward the rotary for the final ceremony of this year’s Westborough Veterans Day events.

A member of the VFW Post 9013 Honor Guard fires his rifle during a three volley salute outside the Forbes Municipal Building.