St. Patrick’s Day Pancake Breakfast at Zeh School


Northborough – The Marion E. Zeh Elementary School fifth-graders and their families will hold a St. Patrick’s Day Pancake Breakfast Saturday, March 17, from 8:30 to 10:30 a.m. at the school, 33 Howard St. The event will feature a toppings bar, “Pot o’ Gold” 50/50 raffle, and musical performances by the fifth-graders and Robert E. Melican Middle School students. The breakfast will also include a culmination of the “Stuck for a Buck” fundraiser, in which one of the teachers will be duct-taped to the cafeteria wall.

Tickets may be purchased in advance at the school for $5 per person ($25 family maximum). Tickets at the door are $6 per person ($30 family maximum).

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