10th annual Running with the Wolves 10K and new White Fang 5k to be held July 18 in Marlborough


“Little Red Riding Hood,” aka Kim Cox, stretches before last year’s event.

“Little Red Riding Hood,” aka Kim Cox, stretches before last year’s event.

Marlborough – The Highland City Striders Running Club is hosting their 10th annual Running with the Wolves 10k and the new White Fang 5k Wednesday, July 18, starting at 6:30 p.m.

Both races start and finish at Kelleher Field, 45 Jefferson St., Marlborough and traverse the car-free, stroller-friendly Assabet River Rail Trail.

All race participants receive a race shirt, Wolves wine glass, SWAG bags, finish line refreshments and a ticket to the Howl at the Moon after-party with live music at the Prospector East Saloon, 520 Lincoln Street, Marlborough.

Participants can also enter to win prizes in the Wear-Wolf Costume Contest, and teams can enter to win a crystal trophy for the largest Wolf Pack.

Adult entry fee is $30 and students age 18 or younger can enter for $20. Prices go up to $35 and $30, respectively, on Monday, July 16.

Register online at www.runningwiththewolves.racewire.com. The race is proudly sponsored by St. Mary’s Credit Union, Avidia Bank, A.L. Purinton, Main Street Bank, Marlborough Oral & Maxillofacial Surgery, Medusa Brewing Company, The Murphy Family Foundation, PR Running and The Vin Bin.

All proceeds go to the Marlborough and Hudson food banks.

The Highland City Striders Running Club is a nonprofit 501(C)3. Since 2009, the Running with the Wolves 10K has raised over $50,000 for local charities. For more information visit  www.highlandcitystriders.org.

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