Marlborough celebrates holiday season with carols and tree lighting


By Dakota Antelman, Contributing Writer

Members of the Marlborough High School student choir sing holiday carols prior to the Christmas Tree lighting on Union Common. Photo/Dakota Antelman

Members of the Marlborough High School student choir sing holiday carols prior to the Christmas Tree lighting on Union Common. Photo/Dakota Antelman

Marlborough – Residents packed a dark Union Common in downtown Marlborough Dec. 6, listening to Christmas carols, sipping hot chocolate and mingling with Santa Claus before cheering when the city’s towering Christmas tree lit for the first time this winter.

Part of the city’s annual holiday celebration, the Christmas tree lighting, conducted by Mayor Arthur Vigeant anchored a night of festivities.

Beyond the tree lighting, attendees of the event saw the Marlborough High School student choir perform a brief set of holiday carols, before moving into the nearby First Church for performances by the MHS String and Jazz Ensembles.

In addition to the student performances, the event also featured free hot chocolate, popcorn and candy canes along with farm animals for attendees to interact with.

Situated on the corner of the Union Common, the tree will now remain lit at night through the remainder of the holiday season.

Photos/Dakota Antelman

Members of the Marlborough High School student choir sing holiday carols prior to the Christmas Tree lighting on Union Common.

Members of the Marlborough High School student choir sing holiday carols prior to the Christmas Tree lighting on Union Common.

Choir director Shannon McNaulty leads her group in singing holiday carols prior to the Christmas Tree lighting on Union Common.

Choir director Shannon McNaulty leads her group in singing holiday carols prior to the Christmas Tree lighting on Union Common.


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