Informational sessions on opioid epidemic to be held in Westborough and Shrewsbury


Shrewsbury/Westborough – Amber Ali, Westborough Girl Scout Troop 30633, will discuss her Girl Scout Gold Award project on the opioid epidemic and use of Narcan, in two presentations that will be free and open to the public.

The first presentation will be held Sunday, March 3 at the Westborough Public Library, 55 West Main St. The second will be held Saturday, March 16 at the Shrewsbury Public Library, 609 Main St. Both presentations will start at 3:30 p.m.

Christine Mowry, executive director at Shrewsbury Youth and Family Services, is the project advisor.

The opioid epidemic has overtaken the nation and spread to all socioeconomic demographics. Massachusetts is no exception, and for this reason it has become increasingly important that even those who aren’t in first responder or medical professions learn how to administer the opioid-overdose reversing drug Narcan, and keep it in their homes if possible. Similar to first aid and CPR training, this knowledge can save lives. The public is now able to carry Narcan for use in an emergency.


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