Hockey player Brown to promote inspiring story at Tatnuck


“Line Change” by Matt Brown and Todd Civin<br />Photo/submitted

“Line Change” by Matt Brown and Todd Civin

Westborough – Matt Brown, a young hockey player who was paralyzed in a 2010 high school game, has written an inspiring story, “Line Change,” about his resilience after that devastating accident.

Brown, along with co-author Todd Civin, will be at Tatnuck Bookseller Saturday, March 30, from 1-3 p.m.

“Line Change,” the authors note, “isn’t a story of tragedy, but a story of hope, courage, and what it means to live a full and rewarding life.”

Brown is a graduate of Norwood High and Stonehill College and is currently working on his Masters at Stonehill. His future goals include regaining use of his body, learning to walk and hugging his supportive family.

Civin is a graduate of Syracuse University Newhouse School of Public Communications. He is the co-owner and creator of Civin Media Relations and has written five biographies and nine children’s books.

Tatnuck is located at 18 Lyman St., Westborough Shopping Center, Westborough.

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