Shrewsbury Firefighters Association support Ananth and Samia


To the Editor:

The Shrewsbury Firefighters Association is proud to formally endorse both John Samia and Jonjy Ananth for election to the Shrewsbury Board of Selectmen.  Both candidates have demonstrated a willingness and ability to serve the citizens of Shrewsbury and understand the public safety challenges facing this community.

The Town of Shrewsbury has seen extraordinary growth and development over the last 30 years with little proportional investment in public safety.  Since 1980, the population of the community has increased by 65%, causing an increase in fire department call volume by 500% with no additional increase in staffing.  This has led to firefighters operating at increased risk to their personal safety and well outside established national standards for fire operations staffing.

We believe that the Shrewsbury Board of Selectmen needs strong leadership and fresh insight to guide the Town in mitigating some of these challenges. Both candidates have the ability, the leadership qualities and the compassion to help the community take a long-term view in planning to ensure the safety of its citizens, while continuing to practice the fiscal conservatism that has allowed Shrewsbury to prosper.

Aaron Roy
President, Shrewsbury Firefighters Association
IAFF Local 4613

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