Marlborough Junior Woman’s Club members deliver care packages to local first responders
By Cindy Zomar, Contributing Writer

Marlborough Junior Women’s Club members deliver care packages to first responders on Sept. 11th (l to r) – Teresa Loftin, Firefighter Dakota Amato, Alison Conlon, Elliana Wronnau, Jodi Schoolcraft, Firefighter C J Ahearn, Reese Wronnau, Katie Robey, Firefighter Colin Richardson, Catherine Sabitini, and Diane Birstein
photo/Cindy Zomar
Marlborough – Since 2002, the Marlborough Junior Woman’s Club has compiled and delivered baskets of snack items to both the Marlborough and Hudson fire stations and police stations, in a show of support for first responders after the horrors of Sept. 11, 2001. Catherine Sabitini initiated the effort and it has continued for 18 years, with the baskets getting larger and this year morphing into very large boxes containing both homemade and purchased goodies.
“There’s snacks, some games, breakfast bars, sweet bread, muffins, nuts, water, candy, donuts, fresh fruit, chips, crackers, and homemade brownies or chocolate chip cookies in each box. We even include dog biscuits for K9 Kaiser at the Marlborough Police station,” said Jodi Schoolcraft, who brought her two grandchildren to assist with the deliveries. “They are my best helpers,” she added.
As for the personnel at Fire Station 3 on Route 20 in Marlborough, the annual gift is certainly appreciated.
“We like to get visitors down here, especially young kids. And the community appreciation this represents is huge for us,” commented Firefighter Colin Richardson.
“It’s great to be here in the middle of the night and have all these snacks available. Every shift gets a chance to have something. And since helping people is what we regularly do, it’s usually on their worst days, so it’s nice to see community members on good days, too, like this,” added Firefighter C J Ahearn.