To the Editor:
I am writing to support the candidacy of Donna Stock for Grafton Select Board. During my time as a Select Board member, Grafton faced a critical and immediate need for more classroom space. Despite significant town opposition to a new facility, Donna stepped forward as one of the critical leaders who, through persistent and focused organization and outreach, enabled the Town to agree to build the Millbury Street School as the best solution for the Town. These tireless efforts are but one example of Donna’s life-long commitment to Grafton’s schools and its students.
As a member of the Select Board, I have no doubt that Donna will bring her intelligence and vision to bear to develop creative solutions serving the interests of all of Grafton’s residents. Most importantly, having previously served in elective office in Town, she fully understands municipal government. Such understanding will enable her to successfully implement such solutions.
On Tuesday, October 29, I hope that you will join me in casting your Select Board vote for Donna Stock!
Very truly yours,
Michael W. Sowyrda