Westborough – Jim O’Connor, Westborough Rotarian, will speak to the Westborough Women’s Club about his recent service project in Guatemala at the next Women’s Club luncheon meeting on Tuesday, Nov. 12 starting at 12 p.m. at the Knights of Columbus Hall, 17 Willow St., Westborough.
O’Connor and other members of the Rotary Club traveled in March to Guatemala to help in the international project of installing efficient stoves in the rural villages near Panajachel, Guatemala, to help prevent respiratory diseases.
The WWC will also be presenting a check for $500 to the Westborough Youth and Family Services Director, Cara Presley, to support the department’s work with families impacted by domestic violence and sexual assault. The Greater Federation of Women’s Clubs of MA provided the funds for this donation through a grant.
A luncheon meeting led by President Reene Hatherley will precede O’Connor’s presentation. Members are asked to remember our women and men veterans by bringing gift items such as gift cards, sports themed shirts or toiletries to this meeting.
Membership in the Club is open to all women who are at least 18 years of age and have an interest in contributing to the betterment of our community.
To join or for more information: www.westboroughwomensclub.org or call 508-341-8089.