Thank you to Northborough Master Plan Steering Committee


Thank you to Northborough Master Plan Steering Committee

To the Editor:

I would like to thank the volunteer members of the town of Northborough’s Master Plan Steering Committee for taking the time out of their busy schedules to work on this project.  I had the privilege to be chairperson of the committee, working over 18 months on the project.  The final plan was presented to the Planning Board at a public hearing on December 10th.  After many months and many open forums and opportunities for residents to be heard, it is now time to move to the next step.  The Board of Selectmen will appoint an Implementation Committee that will have the on-going responsibility of guiding the town boards, committees, commissions and town staff toward the Goals of the Plan through the Recommendations in each of the Key Elements. A shout out to Rick Leif, Michelle Gillespie, Amy Poretksy, Dave Putnam, George Pember, Jason Perreault, Justin Dufresne, Norm Corbin, Jon Cogswell, Mark Donahue, Alexandra Molnar, Susan Lawrence, Tom Reardon, Ashley Davies and Diana Nicklaus for giving their time and attention to this process.  A special thanks to the tireless efforts of the town staff, Kathy Joubert and Debbie Grampeitro and the VHB Consultants Geoffrey Morrison-Logan and Donny Goris-Kolb.

It was a lot of work, but a job well done. Thanks again.

Fran Bakstran Master Plan Steering Committee Chairperson

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