Corridor 9/495 chamber to present customer retention workshop


Corridor 9/495 chamber to present customer retention workshop
Danielle Boland

Westborough – The Corridor 9/495 Chamber of Commerce will present a workshop, “Customer Retention In Today’s Marketplace” on Tuesday, Feb. 25, at the Whittier Rehabilitation Hospital, 150 Flanders Road, Westborough.

The workshop will be presented by Danielle Boland, Founder & President of Sandler Training by Real Success Advisors.

Studies show that 96 percent of unhappy customers don’t complain yet 91 percent of those just leave and never come back. In this workshop you will learn how to understand why people are really working with you and how to continue adding value throughout the business relationship to keep them as customer’s and fuel them as referral funnels.


This workshop will cover:


  • Tools to know if you are really doing what your customers need


  • Moving from vendor to trusted advisor


  • Ways to identify if you are replaceable


  • Tips to take your client satisfaction temperatures


  • Your ideal client and who has the most success with you


Registration starts at 8 a.m. and the program runs from 8:15-10:30 a.m. The presenting sponsor is Commerce Bank, a division of Berkshire Bank. The program is free for Corridor 9/495 members and $75 for nonmembers (must prepay). For more information visit 

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