Shrewsbury Scout organizes Musical Instrument Drive


Shrewsbury – Vasant Sundaresan, a senior at Saint John’s High School and a Boy Scout in Troop 114, is currently working on his Eagle Scout project. He is collecting, refurbishing and donating musical instruments to the Joy of Music Program in Worcester to help children pursue their love of music.

He is seeking gently used guitars, trumpets, clarinets, saxophones, trombones, horns, tubas, flutes and violins or cash donations that will be used toward refurbishing and parts. Donations may be sent via PayPal at [email protected] or Venmo at @vasantsun29.

Vasant has collected nine instruments so far; his goal is 20 instruments.

To donate or for more information, email [email protected] or text only to 774-214-6685.

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