Identity theft, fraud and scams prevention top next Westborough Women’s Club meeting


Westborough – Robin Putnam, Research and Special Projects Manager from the Office of Consumer Affairs and Business Regulation, will be the guest speaker at the next Westborough Women’s Club luncheon meeting Tuesday, March 10, at 12 p.m. at the Knights of Columbus Hall, 17 Willow St.

Putnam will present information about the office and what it does. The presentation will also include information about how to spot and avoid scams, and how to prevent identity theft.

Club President Reene Hatherley will lead the WWC March business meeting following the presentation. The meeting’s agenda will include final details of its March 21 Rabies Clinic, March 27 “Ladies Night Out” fundraising event, and March 28 Bake Sale at Annual Town Meeting.

Members are asked to bring a monetary donation for the Charlotte Spinney Scholarship Program. For nearly 25 years this valuable program has been making a difference in the lives of Westborough School children, providing scholarships through its unique mentorship program.

Membership in the club is open to all women who are at least 18 years of age and have an interest in contributing to the betterment of the community. 

To join or for more information, visit or call 508-341-8089.

New members are always welcome.


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