Lawn signs remind Shrewsbury students they are #2020SeniorStrong


Connor Gale photo/Melanie Petrucci

Connor Gale photo/Melanie Petrucci

By Melanie Petrucci, Senior Community Reporter

Shrewsbury – In a year like no other, 2020 has forced schools and parents to think outside the box in ways to honor their soon to be high school graduates.  Parents of Shrewsbury High School seniors were recently given the opportunity to purchase yard signs that proclaim the message #2020SeniorStrong.

The signs were designed by Crogan Photography of Hudson.

One of those seniors, Connor Gale, recently posed with his sign, noting that he was not letting the pandemic put a damper on his future which includes attending Pace University in New York City in the fall.

He said that the big thing that most of his fellow seniors are disappointed about is all the senior activities including prom being cancelled.

“We just had reached that end of year stretch where we were just getting to the big celebrations and events,” he noted.

Plans for graduation are still uncertain as of this time.


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