Westborough selectmen continue discussion on town seal


By Jennifer L. Grybowski, Contributing Writer

Westborough selectmen continue discussion on town sealWestborough – The push to change the town seal got another boost at the selectmen’s meeting July 28.

During that meeting, they heard a presentation from Local History Librarian Anthony Vaver about the history of the seal. He then gave his thoughts in support of the effort.

“Change is hard,” he said. “But we all experience change throughout our lives whether we like it or not and quite often we come out better for it. As a student of culture and history, I am excited that we are having these kinds of conversations and I encourage people to become curious rather than resistant to new ways of thinking about and seeing the world.”

He also said if people are feeling confused of frustrated by any element of this initiative, the library is there to help point them to resources.

“To help answer questions or even to help ask new ones,” he said. “Because what makes history so exciting is that we get to keep asking questions.”

Selectman Ian Johnson said he originally wanted to hold a public meeting to discuss the changing of the seal, but that people will likely want to discuss it at Town Meeting regardless. He said he also thought for safety’s sake, it might not be a good idea to hold an extra meeting.

“There is a lot of interest in this, and I think that’s great,” he said.

He proposed putting an article on the fall Town Meeting warrant to remove the seal and then discuss a replacement for the seal after that, but with one caveat: he said if for some reason the fall Town Meeting is limited like the annual was to such the extent a full debate will not be feasible, he would suggest passing it over to the next Town Meeting in order to facilitate a full discussion available to all.

The board agreed to that plan.

“We are going to put it on the fall Town Meeting but if conditions are such we feel like we have to have an abbreviated Town Meeting in the best interest of public safety and health, we will push it out to a different Town Meeting,” Selectmen Chair Shelby Marshall said.

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