Goliath is winning…


Goliath is winning…
Cartoon/Ed Turner

Region – Most of us are guilty…in these times, Amazon has made it absurdly easy to get things delivered to our doorsteps. However, we should be aware that there is a cost to all this convenience. As the cyber giants continue to lull us with faster delivery, easy access and new services, we wonder how we ever lived without it. Unfortunately, the end result is that we may ultimately have to live without local retailers.

On a near daily basis, local stores are closing…victims of new buying habits and the pandemic. We are now experiencing the most difficult time in a generation for local retail with so many on the brink. Now, more than ever before, buying local really, really matters. If you’re a believer, do your part …at least once a week, deal with a local business. Buy a greeting card, get takeout, pick out a new outfit, because when these local businesses are gone…it’s unlikely there will be others to take their place.

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