To the Editor:
The 20-year-old Community Preservation Act (CPA) is finally being voted on in Shrewsbury on the Nov. 3 ballot. We started the ballot committee over two years ago. Like many in our community we were alarmed at the destruction of historic buildings and open space, and worried about the decline in our parks and recreation areas. We were concerned about the lack of affordable housing for our elderly and veterans or how a few families would like to work with Habitat for Humanity for a home. CPA was created to address all those areas.
Some residents say the timing is bad and maybe we should wait, despite seven other towns also seeking to adopt CPA. Can the town wait another 20 years to move ahead with a CPA vote, or will our elected leaders move on it (since it was dismissed in the past)? Will the current CPA ballot committee members be able to carve out the time in their lives, away from families, friends, and work to devote the hundreds of hours to bring this to a vote? This is exactly the right time. Some communities are creating emergency rental assistance programs using their CPA funding. The Community Preservation Act will cost the average homeowner less than $50 per year and low and moderate income elderly and low income households can be exempted. The pandemic has shown that we need our open spaces and our parks even more than before for our physical and mental well-being. CPA funding can help free up the regular budget to help with other needs. For more information please see our website: Please vote yes for CPA in person on Nov. 3 election.
Melisa Hollenback
Chairperson, Shrewsbury Community Preservation Act