Central One Federal Credit Union announces annual 2020 academic scholarship recipients


Central One Federal Credit Union announces annual 2020 academic scholarship recipientsShrewsbury – Central One Federal Credit Union recently announced its annual academic scholarship recipients for 2020. 

These scholarships are awarded to graduating seniors from Algonquin Regional High School, Auburn High School, Shrewsbury High School, and Westborough High School, who will be entering a four-year accredited program and majoring in Business and/or Finance. Consideration was based on academic merit, school activities, community involvement, and financial need.  

The bank announced its $4000 recipient is Avery Pellegrino from Auburn High School, who will be attending The University of San Diego.

The $1000 recipients are:

  • Quinn Potter from Algonquin Regional High School, attending Colby College
  • Jacob Hendricks of Shrewsbury High School, attending College of the Holy Cross
  • Savannah Shepherd of Westborough High School, attending Assumption College

For more information about the scholarship or Central One Federal Credit Union, visit our website http://www.centralfcu.com

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