Hudson reports Santa sighting at Town Hall


By Ed Karvoski Jr., Contributing Writer

Hudson reports Santa sighting at Town Hall
Santa Claus (aka Galen “Red” Isaacs) waves to a carload of kids passing Hudson Town Hall.

Hudson – Undeterred by the rain showers Dec. 12, Santa Claus and a couple of his elves waved to passersby of all ages from outside Hudson Town Hall.

Families were encouraged to drive around downtown to also view holiday decorations at the rotary and storefronts. Santa’s appearance was organized by Hudson Business Association and Hudson Downtown Business Improvement District.

(Photos/Ed Karvoski Jr.)

Hudson reports Santa sighting at Town Hall
Six-year old twins Tyler and Gehrig Brule get a close-up look at Santa Claus outside Hudson Town Hall.
Hudson reports Santa sighting at Town Hall
Greeting passersby outside Hudson Town Hall are (center) Santa Claus (aka Galen “Red” Isaacs) with elves from Hudson High School (l to r) sophomore Maddie Kiley and junior Abbey Nezuck.
Hudson reports Santa sighting at Town Hall
Gathered around Santa’s mailbox outside Avidia Bank are (l to r) Savannah Smith, 13; Sean Topham, 8; and Nolan Yates, 14.

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